Solutions for Smartphone Addiction
Smartphones can be a great tool when it comes to gain knowledge and knowing what's around conveniently as it is portable. It can be handy when it comes to management as you can install dozens of apps from market which offers convenient way of managing your day to day work. But are you using your smartphone in a good way? Are you taking advantages of these features?
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If the answer is a big NO, then you should read more from following.

1. Feeling uncomfortable: If you feel anxious while not around your smartphone, then it means that you are addicted to your phone.
2. Looking at your phone while talking: If you have the habit of using your smartphone while talking to others it could mean that you are addicted. 

3. Checking mobile in morning: You are addicted if the first thing in the morning you do is checking your phone for any purpose. Generally, it would be checking for notification.

4. Heavy gaming: Indulging in heavy gaming especially multiplayer games are one of the symptoms of addiction.


1. Take it as a challenge.
2. Uninstall all the games and applications. Deactivate from your social media account.
3. Get a simple phone. And get rid of the smartphone and only use it if you really need it.
4. Try to realize what useful things you can do instead of wasting your time on smartphone.
5. Set a goal (it can be anything which develops business mind).
6. Distract your mind by keeping yourself busy with some work.

Other Related Links:
How to get rid of Addiction
How to get rid of Selifie Obsession

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