Solution for the jealousy
Jealousy is an emotion, and the word refers to sentiments of insecurity, fear, concern, and anxiety over a foreseen loss of status or something of extraordinary individual esteem, especially in reference to a human association. Jealousy regularly comprises of a blend of emotions, for example, outrage, hatred, defenselessness, deficiency and nauseate.

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Reasons for Jealousy:

1. Fear: Refers to fear of being alone, a fear of being rejected by others or losing the love of your partner.

2. Lack Self-Confidence: One of the drivers for sentiments of jealousy are your questions about your capacity or ability. In the event that you were 100% certain of yourself, you would have never experienced any jealousy sentiments.

3. Poor Self Image: It is all about your perception of your own personality. It is having the feeling of being ugly or not having a fair skin etc

4. Feeling of Insecurity: A poor self-image and lack of self-confidence leads to a feeling of insecurity.


1. If you are jealous of a person on any social media just because he/she seems cool then, don't worry. In social media, all people seem or pose like there are coolest but actually, it is not so. Social Media websites are a virtual world of exaggerated life story of a person. You should give more attention to achieving your goals rather than wasting precious time on these kinds of things. But Social media can be a great source if you are using it correctly.

2. If you are jealous because of someone's success, then, then you should take inspiration from it and work harder and smarter to achieve your goals. Remember success does not come within days but it comes from regular hard work and also smart work. Don't ever in your life try to bring ego while learning. Remember giving priority to ego only make you more dumb. Ego is not your character but an external factor. Because of something you are having ego. If that 'something' is your achievement and then it's okay but don't stop there, try to achieve more. But instead of that if it is a 'fake achievement' (which is true in case of 95%) then it's not good.

3. Take it as a challenge or competition. It means work on your weakness. Don't hurdle others' success with unethical ways. It will not help you in any way. Stop persuading Materialism and start working. Remember delayed gratification is always much better and long-lasting. Read biography of some highly successful people and then you will know that they are the person who limited their wants and worked for years, never got addicted (of smoking, drug, alcohol, love etc), failed many times but didn't lose hope

4. Everyone has a day. If someone of your age is enjoying, it doesn't necessarily mean that you should also or suppose to be. Your path is completely different from others. You need your own time and strategy also differ from others. Work on your goal, be patient. It will definitely fetch you good results.

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