How to get rid of Sweat

How to stop sweating
Sometimes sweating can be very irritating or become a hurdle, for e.g going to the party, meeting your girlfriend/boyfriend, any important meetings, giving presentations. Sweating can you make you seem less cooler.

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Causes of Sweating:

1.Humidity or Heat: There are millions of sweating glands in your body and these are activated when your body temperature goes up and this is because sweating is body's cooling system.

2. Exercising: Like humidity and heat, exercising also raises your body temperature when you exercise. So to get rid of excess heat, your body starts to sweat.

3.Hot and Spicy Foods: Hot foods can make your body temperature go up. And spicy foods also acts as hot foods for your body.

4.Fever: It makes your body temperature to go up because it limits the activities of infection and fights it. When the infection is gone your body temperature comes back to normal.

5. Apart from these Nicotine, Pregnancy, Medication also cause sweating.

1. Potato:
Cut slices of potato and rub them on your body or on the areas where you sweat more.

2. Tomato:
You can eat tomatoes or you can make a juice out of it and drink. This is because commuters have antioxidants which regulate the function of sweat glands in your body. Continue for one month to see the changes.

It has antibacterial properties that eliminates the bacteria. Rub the lemon on your body and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash off. Before applying this technique make sure your skin is not allergic to lemon.

4.Coconut Oil:
Apply coconut oil on your body and massage it gently until the police absorbed before taking a shower.

5. Drink enough water to maintain body temperature normal.

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