How to get rid of PROCRASTINATION

How to avoid Procrastination
If you are postponing your work without any proper reasons, then you are doing procrastination. Usually, these are less pleasurable things than what currently you are doing. Sometimes it leads to "Last day" or "Last minute" work.

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Why procrastination is bad?

1. Time: By procrastination, you are wasting your precious time. And giving more time than required to finish a work. For example, imagine after a few years if you are not seeing much changes in you then it's probably because of procrastination.

2. Opportunities: You will lose golden opportunities in your life which could turn your life. Opportunities are life-changing. It's like slapping the success.

3. Goals: You will not be able to achieve your goals if you procrastinate it thus making you feel more frustration.Simply by wasting time you are postponing your achievements.

4. Self-esteem: Procrastination will hinder your self-esteem in bad way. Postponing the work could make you feel like worthless and it could raise doubts on your abilities. Having low self-esteem can make your life much worse.

5. Poor decision: You will make poor decision because of time pressure. Because of time shortage you will not get much time make rational decision or get nervous.


1. Identify the cause: It means, what are you trying to avoid? Why are you avoiding it? What are the things making you to avoid it? What worst could happen? 

2. Delayed Gratification: Usually, work do not fetch immediate pleasure. But will definitely in future if you do work hard. For example, look at how chess Grandmasters play chess. At the start, inspite having all the pieces, they usually do not attack but they will silently develop their pieces to their optimum places (of course with a plan). And when the time is right they will attack. So work on your weakness and develop yourself rather than pleasure.

3. Change your thinking: Read some books about famous businessmen and how they became rich. Learn how they faced the world, their fears. Learn how they got over their frustration. Gain knowledge as much as you can.

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